

Monday 13 December 2021

143. Monuments of the Gandhara Civilization at Taxila - 03 (Pipplan)

I am continuing with writing about the monuments at Taxila. This is the fourth in the series and is about a site at Pipplan. It is less than a kilometer from Jaulian, at 33°45'56.4"N, 72°51'57.4"E, is another important site, known as Pipplan. The remains at Pipplan belong to two eras. To the East is a monastery dating back to the late Parthian or early Kushan times, and comprises an open quadrangle with a cell on its four sides. To the West are the remains of three stupas. This site is actually a combination of two parts, both constructed during different periods of time or even during different dynasties. The eastern side, less well preserved was constructed early, during the 1st century AD during the Kushan era, or even earlier during the Parthian empire. The western section is in better condition and all main features are quite visible. The newer section was built probably three centuries later.

A view of the monastery at Pipplan. (25.11.2021)

Both sections of the site are quite visible. Right: the older part Left: the newer part. 

The main stupa of the newer section is visible in the background. (25.11.2021)

The base of the old stupa. (25.11.2021)

A small pool in the new section. (25.11.2021)

The main stupa in the newer section. (25.11.2021)

This monastery is comparatively much smaller than at Jaulian or Mohra Moradu. 

Eastern side of the new monastery. (25.11.2021)

Some monuments of the older section. (25.11.2021)

A side view of the newer monastery. (25.11.2021)

It is comparatively a small site than Dharmrajika, Jaulian, or Mohra Moradu, but nevertheless an important site. It is very near to Jaulian, so do not miss it and visit it while on the way to Jaulian. 

Tariq Amir

December 13, 2021.

Note: Kindly note that Pipplan is marked in Yellow. The other sites at Taxla are marked in red. Posts for other sites are available on the same blog. 

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